Sunday, January 16, 2011

sock issues

sometimes i try really hard to think back and remember what it was like when i was little.  what was frustrating and dramatic?  i just remember playing. playing inside, playing outside. i don't think drama started till, probably jr high.  but it wasn't huge drama, i feel like i almost held it together for the little things?  i could be hazy and remembering details have never been a strong suit for me.  i have a hard time remembering yesterday. 

either way, there are some things that just aren't worth getting upset about. i have been told numerous, more times than i can count, that "you should be so glad it's all boys, and not all girls, girls are all drama".  i beg to differ.  now i am sure girls represent their own amount of drama, and it's probably just kids learning how to handle emotions right? ( i heard it was all the extra hormones put in milk? but we drink almond milk, so unless these almonds have been injected with hormones to make them fatter and juicier then it kinda sounds like an excuse for unruly children - ha) my boys, bless their little hearts, are full to the top with drama. 

some drama is great. i hear all kinds of amazing stories, and superhero fantasies, extra hugs and kisses, dramatic performances, exciting fall on your knee moments and screaming at sports on tv (it's history in the making you know- so i've been told).  perfect example, on the way to church this morning, we chanted and cheered and clapped each light we approached "green....... green........ green.........." and we hit every green light.  very dramatic and exciting car ride. good times.

however, there is a dark side to the drama.  it's the little stuff. the, i'm so hungry i will scream and throw my self on the floor and jerk around convulsing screaming "i'm so hungry, i'm so hungry, i'm so hungry". ok, i can handle that, i get it, i want to do that too sometimes. yet i refrain.  doesn't phase me to see this.  there is the, fake injury because i all of a sudden don't want to keep up i feel you are walking too fast maybe this will slow her down.  again, "shake it off son, it will help to walk it off".  i could go on and on.  the most dramatic thing in our house right now is the "sock issue".

i didn't even know there was such a thing.  i didn't know something so trivial, so not important to survival, so annoying existed.  yet, all of the boys have it.  it cannot not be a learned behavior, i do not freak out and cry every time i put socks on.  for theo, it may be learned , he is the silent observer, and says "owie, owie, owie, sock mom" when i put his socks on , but that is the extend of it for him- so far. (well it may be genetic, i could write an entirely seperate entry for my handsome hubby, who as more than once said, "if i could afford it, i would wear a brand new pair of socks everyday, and then donate them because they are only comfortable the first time you wear them")  for the other three it is more of a , i will only wear a certain type of sock.  if i do not have this certain sock, life is not ok , and i may die. 

i will not disclose names to protect the not so innocent identities of this sensitive, delicate issue.

one will not where a crew sock of any kind.  absolute refusal.  will wear the socks worn the day before and through the night (the socks do not come off for sleeping, only baths and swimming, otherwise socks must remain on feet at all times, even through the summer) if there are no clean ankle length socks available. NOT low cut, just regular ankle.

one only wears low cut ankle.  and only a certain brand, the other low cut ankles cannot and must not be worn with shoes or he cannot function, and has made us late due to tears and gnashing of teeth which resulted in the changing of the socks.  now they are the lounge around the house, not to ever again be worn with shoes until the feet grow into them properly socks.

one ( and this poor sweet boy has it the worst )  will only wear low cut ankle socks inside out.  the inside fabric that rubs on the inside of your foot is so unbearably painful and horrific it is impossible at this point to even consider wearing them the right way. especially if there has to be a shoe on it. "ahhhh....... it's cutting me, it's cutting me....... aahhhhhhh."  HOWEVER, if no low cut ankle socks are available due to the pile of laundry and excessive sock changing that occurs each day, than a colorful themed, characterised, race car'ed, sport pic, regular ankle sock with rubber no slip grip on the bottom, is acceptable. they can be worn properly and do not cause the grief or pain when worn in a shoe.

not good times. now that's some drama. it's too bad the saying is "save your drama for your mamma".


  1. Girl. This HAS to be a boy thing, because I have never once had any type of sock drama in my house. The ony type of sock drama we've ever had is caused by me not keeping up with laundry, and thus not having enough matching socks. This results in the dreaded twenty-minute sifting through the sock basket, desperately trying to find matches for both girls. They could really care less about what socks are on their feet, as long as they are off their feet immediately when their shoes come off.

  2. Happens in my house too - with the boy only - lol!!

    And I have one of each - boy - and girl - and the boy is FAAARRR more dramatic than the girl. Always has been - and I have a feeling - always will be. Sorry :(((
